[Sugar-devel] Problems adapting activity

Gonzalo Odiard godiard at gmail.com
Tue Jun 8 14:42:54 EDT 2010

Your activity didn't started.
You must read the log file in /home/olpc/.sugar/default/logs/


On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 3:29 PM, Alberto Arruda de Oliveira <
alberto.a.oliv at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Recently, I've been trying to adapt a software a friend developed into an
> activity, but since I'm a bit newbie when it comes to sugar development, I'm
> having some trouble doing it.
> I've followed the tutorials in
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Creating_an_activity
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activity_tutorial
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Activity_bundles
> with no success.
> I run the setup.py file on my computer, create the .xo package, export it
> to the XO system, install it and restart. The activity icon shows up, but
> when I click it, it stays on the loading screen ( white with the activity
> icon blinking ) but doesn't load the program.
> I'm trying to run it on an emulated image.
> Also, keep in mind that the software itself wasn't developed with the XO in
> mind, so, maybe I need to change something on the source code to make it
> work.
> Thank you for your help
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Gonzalo Odiard
Responsable de Desarrollo
Sistemas Australes
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