[Sugar-devel] [Browse-webkit] Changing its bundle_id

Lucian Branescu lucian.branescu at gmail.com
Thu Jul 22 14:03:45 EDT 2010

I was planning to simply pretend that Browse-webkit is a newer version
of Surf. In a way it is, since they share some ancient git history :)

So unless Bobby minds us using Surf's brand, we shouldn't need a new
icon. Thanks for offering, though.

On 22 July 2010 18:54, Gary Martin <garycmartin at googlemail.com> wrote:
> On 22 Jul 2010, at 17:26, Lucian Branescu <lucian.branescu at gmail.com> wrote:
>> If bobbyp agrees, I'll rebrand it to Surf until it gets merged to
>> master. Would that be ok?
> Need a new svg icon, temp or otherwise? Happy to cook something up, similar to the old surf svg involving a breaking wave (I'd go for open circle inside breaking roller, rather than a circle with a roller inside).
> Regards,
> --Gary
>> On 22 July 2010 17:24, Benjamin M. Schwartz <bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>> On 07/22/2010 12:18 PM, Lucian Branescu wrote:
>>>> In order to better test Browse-webkit, we'd need to package and distribute it.
>>> If it isn't heavily tested and known to work perfectly, definitely don't
>>> call it "Browse", and definitely don't use the same icon.  Browse is by
>>> far the #1 most important activity, so we cannot accept _any_ regressions.
>>> --Ben
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