[Sugar-devel] Q on tracker cleanup / triage

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org
Mon Jul 5 08:19:23 EDT 2010

Excerpts from Tomeu Vizoso's message of Mon Jul 05 10:47:44 +0000 2010:

> >> [...] or possibly something like  "Unfortunately, we have higher priority
> >> areas to work on right now.
> > Never close bugs because nobody has time to fix them. Rather use the
> > priority field to indicate the maintainer isn't interested in working
> > on the issue, but would welcome patches.
> Maybe s/maintainer/development team?
Actually the priority field is something that nags me about our current
bug tracker. It's a single field, but bugs have different priorities to
different people. For example the issues with the NetworkManager
integration are so annoying that they were (*) of high priority to me, but
apparently not to other members of the Development Team; maybe because
deployments have different network setups and the issues don't appear

> Guess we have enough bugs to have a triaging team (or bug squad, though
> I don't like the name) instead of just a bug master.
I still think the activity (!= number of open bugs) on our bug tracker is low enough for a single person. It shouldn't take more than say an hour a day.
Even Gentoo had a single bug master for a very long time.
A triage team might help with cleaning up _old_ bugs, though.

(*) I'm currently using system connections and cnetworkmanager so I can
    use IEEE 802.1x authentication on the university network instead of
    the buggy VPN client. This works significantly better than using
    Sugar-managed user connections.
    With user connections getting thrown out [1] of NetworkManager, quite
    a few of our problems might get solved for us (or be tackled by the
    rewrite of the NetworkManager integration that might be required).


[1] http://live.gnome.org/NetworkManager/RemovingUserSettings
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