[Sugar-devel] [DESIGN] Deleting an entry in the Journal while the activity is running

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Mon Jan 25 10:43:09 EST 2010

On 25 Jan 2010, at 12:01, Simon Schampijer wrote:

> Hi,
> I came across the following:
> There is an option to delete an entry in the Journal entry palette and 
> one in the detail section of an entry. This entry is as well available 
> when an activity is running. Currently when you delete an entry of a 
> running activity the entry gets recreated when closing the running 
> activity. So we do not have any data loss.
> Two options I discussed so far with Sascha on irc: We could either make 
> the delete option inactive when an activity is running or display an 
> alert when the button is pressed.
> Any other options? How do you like them?

FWIW: Having read Sascha's Walter's and Aleksey's responses, I think I prefer just inactivating the erase UIs for instantiated activity objects, as Simon already mentioned. Perhaps another slant on this would be to change** Journal "erase" into "stop" palette entries for instantiated activities?

** I know we're not big on menu items that change function, but I'll be damned if I'm going to suggest adding a "stop" item to every Journal object palette (and the details view toolbar); the Journal palettes are already way too large/complicated... [though it would still seem to be a valid reinforcement of the object model]


> Personal Note:
> While I like the inactive-option I am not sure this tells the user why 
> an option is not available.
> Regards,
>    Simon
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