[Sugar-devel] Release policy and upgrades of sugar on laptops

Urso Wieske uwieske at olpcdutchcaribbean.org
Tue Feb 16 14:46:55 EST 2010


I have the follow question.
We are currently doing translation for THE language pap.
We are working hard to get THE job done for THE NeXT release of sugar.
At THE Same time we are going to place an order of olpc laptops which  
shiuld be delivered by THE end of february or march. I have been told  
that the XO 1.5 will be delivered.
Question: if version 0.84 is shipped with these laptops, is it  
possible to upgrade the XO to the version of the next release of  
April? Can someone tell me how this is done or where to get this  

Question 2:
If we really deliver our translations on February 28, will our  
translations really be incorporated with the next release of April?  
What's the current status of development? Is the software development  
on schedule?
Question 3: we might still be translating on etoys (big file). Is it  
possible to deliver after march 1st?

Thank you

Sent from my iPhone

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