[Sugar-devel] Video Chat, Video Editing and VOIP activities for Sugar

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu
Fri Feb 12 09:28:28 EST 2010

Manusheel Gupta wrote:
> Dear friends,
> 6 developers working at SEETA <http://seeta.in> will be spearheading the
> design and development of video chat, video editing and VOIP activities in
> Sugar starting Feb. 15.


> 1. Video Chat - Pidgin  (http://www.pidgin.im/)
> 3. VOIP activity - Shtoom (http://divmod.org/trac/wiki/ShtoomProject)

I think you'd be better off starting from Empathy
(http://live.gnome.org/Empathy), which already provides both features and
is built on the same communications platform (Telepathy) that Sugar
already uses.

> 2. Video Editor - PiTiVi  (http://www.pitivi.org/)

Yes. PiTiVi is the ideal starting point.

> Wish to have your feedback on issues, implementation strategies and external
> dependencies that we might have overlooked.

Definitely talk to the Telepathy developers (on their mailing list and
#telepathy on freenode).  They are very helpful.


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