[Sugar-devel] Missing libxklavier-dev dependency on Karmic

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org
Thu Feb 4 19:09:15 EST 2010

[Resend due to incorrect sender address the first time]

On Thu, Feb 04, 2010 at 04:59:47PM -0300, Bernie Innocenti wrote:

> I've just ran sugar-jhbuild on a Karmic machine and a configure failed
> because libxklavier-dev was missing.
Can you be a bit more specific, please? The following options come to my 
a) libxklavier-dev isn't installed because you forgot to install 
everything depscheck complained about
b) libxklavier-dev isn't installed because depscheck didn't complain 
about it (please post output of "lsb_release -irs")
c) libxklavier-dev is installed, but python-xklavier doesn't like it.

CU Sascha

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