[Sugar-devel] [PATCH sugar-toolkit] Clipboard menu off screen #2201

Aleksey Lim alsroot at member.fsf.org
Sat Dec 18 00:25:44 EST 2010

New font.char_width property to return approximate char width. Set Palette's
text_maxlen to a half of the screen by defualt.
 src/sugar/graphics/palette.py |   21 +++++++++++++++++----
 src/sugar/graphics/style.py   |   40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/sugar/graphics/palette.py b/src/sugar/graphics/palette.py
index 46f167b..b542407 100644
--- a/src/sugar/graphics/palette.py
+++ b/src/sugar/graphics/palette.py
@@ -45,10 +45,23 @@ class Palette(PaletteWindow):
     __gtype_name__ = 'SugarPalette'
     def __init__(self, label=None, accel_path=None, menu_after_content=False,
-                 text_maxlen=60, **kwargs):
-        # DEPRECATED: label is passed with the primary-text property,
-        # accel_path is set via the invoker property, and menu_after_content
-        # is not used
+                 text_maxlen=None, **kwargs):
+        """Constructor.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        label -- DEPRECATED, is passed with the primary-text property
+        accel_path -- DEPRECATED, is set via the invoker property
+        menu_after_content -- DEPRECATED, is not used
+        text_maxlen -- max length of palette titles after that it becomes
+                       ellipsized, possible values:
+                       None -- autodetect most appropriate value, by default
+                       <= 0 -- do not ellipsize titles
+                       > 0 -- valid width value
+        """
+        if text_maxlen is None:
+            text_maxlen = (gtk.gdk.screen_width() / 2) / \
+                    style.FONT_DEFAULT.char_width
         self._primary_text = None
         self._secondary_text = None
diff --git a/src/sugar/graphics/style.py b/src/sugar/graphics/style.py
index 7f48d9a..e8dc768 100644
--- a/src/sugar/graphics/style.py
+++ b/src/sugar/graphics/style.py
@@ -45,15 +45,46 @@ def _compute_zoom_factor():
 class Font(object):
+    """High level font information."""
-    def __init__(self, desc):
-        self._desc = desc
+    def __init__(self, desc=None):
+        """Constructor.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        desc -- string with font description
+        """
+        default_context = gtk.Label().get_pango_context()
+        if desc is None:
+            self._desc = default_context.get_font_description()
+        else:
+            self._desc = pango.FontDescription(desc)
+        metrics = default_context.get_metrics(self._desc)
+        self._char_width = max(metrics.get_approximate_char_width(),
+                metrics.get_approximate_digit_width()) / pango.SCALE
     def __str__(self):
-        return self._desc
+        return self._desc.to_string()
     def get_pango_desc(self):
-        return pango.FontDescription(self._desc)
+        """Returns pango font description object."""
+        return self._desc
+    pango_desc = property(get_pango_desc)
+    def get_char_width(self):
+        """Approximate char width.
+        This is merely a representative value that is useful, for example, for
+        determining the initial size for a window. Actual characters in text
+        will be wider and narrower than this.
+        """
+        return self._char_width
+    char_width = property(get_char_width)
 class Color(object):
@@ -119,6 +150,7 @@ client = gconf.client_get_default()
 FONT_SIZE = client.get_float('/desktop/sugar/font/default_size')
 FONT_FACE = client.get_string('/desktop/sugar/font/default_face')
 FONT_BOLD = Font('%s bold %f' % (FONT_FACE, FONT_SIZE))
 FONT_NORMAL_H = zoom(24)

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