[Sugar-devel] get list of titles in the datastore?

Erik Blankinship erikb at mediamods.com
Fri Dec 3 22:03:23 EST 2010

from #sugar...

*alsroot *: try datastore.find({'query':'coolthings'})

*alsroot*: for now, only uid, activity, activity_id, mime_type and keep
search term are supported

On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 4:49 PM, Erik Blankinship <erikb at mediamods.com>wrote:

> I tried using this bit of code to get a list of items in the journal by
> their title, but it is returning everything in the journal!
> http://bit.ly/fjgpJr
> ds_objects, num_objects = datastore.find({'title':'file1.txt'})
> Any suggestions?
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