[Sugar-devel] Turtle art crystal radio

Gary Martin garycmartin at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 1 13:53:01 EST 2010

Hi Tony,

On 1 Dec 2010, at 07:41, forster at ozonline.com.au wrote:

> Hi all
> Its been suggested that the XO could be turned into a crystal radio.
> Any suggestions of an easy way to get data from the microphone socket to the speaker?

There must be a nicer way than this (using the csound python libs would be my best guess), but for quick and dirty I present to you:

	arecord | aplay

From a terminal window. It just pipes the default audio input device (mic or line in) over to the default output device (built in speakers or line out). It's as crunchy as a cellophane folding competition, but there's plenty of options to investigate that likely can improve quality (arecord --help or aplay --help).


> Tony
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