[Sugar-devel] Class vs. Exec activity.info

Gary Martin garycmartin at googlemail.com
Tue Aug 17 11:47:58 EDT 2010

On 17 Aug 2010, at 16:30, Simon Schampijer wrote:

> On 08/17/2010 02:25 PM, Gary C Martin wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm just starting to see some bug tickets and mention in the 0.90 notes that the activity.info class parameter is being dropped, with the exec parameter replacing it. Could someone explain what's going on, point me to some documentation, and/or a mail-list thread about it?
>> There are plenty of activities that will now be broken and need fixing up, is this an intentional activity red flag change day to kill off any unmaintained activities?
>> Regards,
>> --Gary
> Hi Gary,
> sorry for the confusion. I was quite confident that those fields were 
> not in use anymore :/ I reverted the commit and added a warning that is 
> printed when used.

I thought I'd missed some big discussion :)

FWIW here are some of the offending activities. Not an exhaustive list, just what I happened to have installed for spiral layout testing, some of which are mine so I can at least get them updated easily:

    Ayuda-1 helpactivity.HelpActivity
    BlockParty BlockPartyActivity.BlockPartyActivity
    Bridge activity.BridgeActivity
    Chat pippy_app.Chat
    Clock clock.ClockActivity
    ColorDeducto ColorDeducto.ColorDeducto
    ConstellationsFlashCards ConstellationsFlashCards.ConstellationsFlashCards
    DataManager datamanager.DataManager
    Deducto Deducto.Deducto
    Distance activity.AcousticMeasureActivity
    Domino dominoactivity.Domino
    EatBoom eatboomactivity.EatBoomActivity
    Ecomundo ecomundoactivity.EcomundoActivity
    Elements ElementsActivity.ElementsActivity
    FileShare FileShareActivity.FileShareActivity
    FotoToon historietaactivity.HistorietaActivity
    Helpfr helpactivity.HelpActivity
    Hop-A-Round hoparound.HopaRoundActivity
    ImageViewer ImageViewerActivity.ImageViewerActivity
    Implode implodeactivity.ImplodeActivity
    Jukebox jukeboxactivity.JukeboxActivity
    Kandid activity.KandidActivity
    Labyrinth labyrinthactivity.LabyrinthActivity
    ListenAndSpell ListenSpell.ListenSpell
    Maze activity.MazeActivity
    Measure measure.MeasureActivity
    Moon moon.MoonActivity
    Physics activity.PhysicsActivity
    Pippy pippy_app.PippyActivity
    Plot plot.PlotActivity
    Quinteti activity.Quinteti
    Record record.Record
    Scribble scribbleactivity.ScribbleActivity
    SharedTextDemo sharedtextdemoactivity.SharedTextDemoActivity
    StarChart StarChart.StarChart
    StopWatch activity.StopWatchActivity
    Words pippy_app.WordsActivity
    x2o activity.X2OActivity
    xoEditor xoEditorActivity.xoEditorActivity
    XOlympics activity.XOlympicsActivity

I must admit I had no idea "class" in activity.info had been depreciated all this time, I actually thought "exec" was a sneaky secrete hack/trick there just to allow minimally sugared and/or non-python code to be run ;)

> However, we should come up with a plan to clean up the API. Remove API 
> that has been deprecated for long - drop support, and this should not be 
> 1.0 :) Let's make a plan at the beginning of 0.92 and announce in time.

Yep, less code sounds good as long as we have a couple of release cycles before the red flag day so interested parties have a chance to catch up well in advance.


> Regards,
>    Simon
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