[Sugar-devel] SOAS-3: Final Activity List - Attention needed!

James Simmons nicestep at gmail.com
Mon Apr 26 21:59:13 EDT 2010


Please consider including either Get Books or Get Internet Archive
Books!  Having one (not both) of these installed will greatly increase
the usefulness of the Read Activity and either one should be robust
enough to satisfy anyone.

The Blueberry release of Sugar actually pushed e-book reading as a key
feature.  There's no reason to drop it almost entirely with this

James Simmons

> Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 20:16:41 +0100
> From: Peter Robinson <pbrobinson at gmail.com>
> Subject: [Sugar-devel] SOAS-3: Final Activity List - Attention needed!
> To: Sugar on a Stick List <soas at lists.sugarlabs.org>,   Sugar devel
>        <sugar-devel at lists.sugarlabs.org>
> Message-ID:
>        <s2v5256d0b1004261216vf8fea8e7he5c964fc912ace6b at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi All,
> So as it stands the final Activity list that we're pushing for SOAS-3
> will be as below unless someone gives me reasonable doubt as to the
> release team's (Sebastian and myself) decision.
> So the final list is:
> - browse
> - physics
> - turtleart
> - irc
> - log
> - terminal
> - Record
> - Read
> - Write
> - Chat.
> - etoys
> In literally the last 10 minutes Sebastian and I have fixed the Write
> issue and over the last 2 weeks with the latest Record release and a
> number of fixes and testing I've got Record to what seems to be a
> stable and working release. The last of the changes should be in the
> daily build from tomorrow (including a fix from sdz for the lack of a
> boot screen).
> One thing to note is that other than sdz and I there has only been one
> other person test and report back on the builds (Thanks Thomas!) so if
> you haven't done so until now we are now on the home straight so
> please test. I don't want to here the day after release "Blah is
> broken" because someone hasn't taken 10 minutes to test the release, I
> will be less than impressed!
> For those who forget where they can get the daily build you can from this link.
> http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/nightly-composes/soas/
> Regards,
> The SoaS release team!

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