[Sugar-devel] Modern Linux trends (was: Re: [PATCH] use ConsoleKit instead of HAL for)

Mathieu Bridon bochecha at fedoraproject.org
Mon Apr 26 09:04:49 EDT 2010

On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 14:25, Martin Langhoff
<martin.langhoff at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 5:51 AM, Sascha Silbe
> <sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org> wrote:
>> What I want to be able to do is exactly the same I can do using nm-applet.
> That would be a good start. Reasonable feature parity with the old
> network scripts would also be great.
> The best that I can say of NM is that Dan moves quickly, and cares. At
> this stage it's mature for many uses, but cli and server usage are
> rather green. And that for server scenarios the model of having a
> daemon is not the best fit.
> Is there any good documentation of a fullblown cli for it?

As already mentioned, there's system-config-network-tui. I'm not sure
it has any doc, but the curses interface is self explanatory.

Other than that, NM-0.8 comes with it's own cli tool (brand new, so it
might be rather limited and undocumented for now):

> Good docs
> of a fullblown config setup for servers (including bonding, bridging,
> virtual interfaces and similar goodies)?

I don't know about the others, but NM currently doesn't know about
bridging. It should come pretty soon though :

Mathieu Bridon

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