[Sugar-devel] [PATCH] Remove the keep button from the default activity toolbar

Bernie Innocenti bernie at codewiz.org
Thu Apr 22 20:46:52 EDT 2010

On Wed, 2010-04-21 at 20:34 -0400, Frederick Grose wrote:

>         Got it, sounds good, thanks.  Here's the obvious patch.
> -0.5

> Please, let's move halfway so we don't break workflows already
> established.  For example, someone has already developed lessons for
> that involve keeping Physics models at various stages of development.
>  "Keeping a copy" from the
> Activity tool bar is a part of that.
> Could we instead hide the "Keep a copy" button so that it only appears
> on the pressing of the 'Alt key'.  this should take away the
> temptation for the 'unsweetened' to become 'bitter'.   It will take a
> while before old habits change and a new mental model of keeping ones
> work takes hold.

How about folding "Keep a copy" inside the popup menu for the Stop

If we take it away completely, I can already see the angry users telling
me that now they have to stop and reopen activities every 10 minutes to
ensure their data is safely stored on disk.

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

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