[Sugar-devel] Keep confusion, yet again

Bernie Innocenti bernie at codewiz.org
Mon Apr 19 12:42:54 EDT 2010

On Mon, 2010-04-19 at 09:41 -0300, Daniel Drake wrote:
> Argh!
> Another country, another core team confused by the Keep button.
> The Argentinian in-house generated teaching materials say: (translated
> from Spanish)
> To save the work that you did in the activity, go to the toolbar at
> the top of the screen and click the Keep button.
> Same story every single time.
> Pretty please can someone please pick up the project of improving this
> situation? Even if it's just killing this button for the time being.
> I've seen this confusion in all 6 of the countries that I've visited.
> And in most of those cases, it's written in the teacher training
> materials, so the trainers pass this misinformation onto the teachers
> who pass it onto the children.

I've seen users and teachers fooled by the Keep key here too.

I remember reading in an old book on human interface design called "The
Psychology of Everyday Object" that testers are never going to report
usability annoyances of this kind, attributing the mistake to themselves
rather than to the UI designer.

> For now I am going to update the Spanish translation to say "Guardia
> copia" (Keep a copy) but this is not the solution...

Jorge is going to work on this.

   // Bernie Innocenti - http://codewiz.org/
 \X/  Sugar Labs       - http://sugarlabs.org/

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