[Sugar-devel] SL meet SL! (Sri Lanka, Sugar Labs, Service Learning, Schools & Libraries, Soft Landing, Shangri-La, Silent Lucidity, etc)

David Farning dfarning at gmail.com
Fri Apr 2 12:07:44 EDT 2010

I would suggest creating a test plan and testing the new Debian/Ubuntu

One of the most unexpected (for me) benefits of SoaS has been in abstracting
testing and development.  Prior to SoaS there were several categories of
bugs which were 'stuck.'  Because SoaS requires users, testers, and
developers to look at problems slightly differently than Sugar on the XO,
several important areas have gotten attention.

The same will likely hold true as Sugar becomes more popular on .deb .


On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 6:17 AM, Holt <holt at laptop.org> wrote:

>  Dear SL Brothers & Sisters,
> Sri Lanka's 10 volunteer-corporate testers are getting up to speed now,
> after a few weeks of getting to know the XO-1.5, XO-1, Sugar 0.84, our
> English Mailing Lists monoculture, etc :-)
> They've carefully organized 30 test case observations about the Paint
> Activity -- attached and pasted in below if you cannot read .xslx
> *How should they proceed next, channeling their enthusiasm to be most
> helpful in the couple weeks they have remaining?*
> Please reply-to <testing at lists.laptop.org> <testing at lists.laptop.org>thanks!!!
>   Subject: [Testing] Sample Testcase format -SL  Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2010
> 04:48:01 -0700 (PDT)  From: Karthika Karunanithy <kar8315 at yahoo.com><kar8315 at yahoo.com>  To:
> testing at lists.laptop.org
>   Hi All,
> Please find the sample test case format which Sri Lankan team is using.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Karthika Karunanithy
>       Test Case ID  Category Feature Description Prerequisite  Test
> Description  Input Data Expected Result Actual Result  Status (Pass/Fail) Defect
> Id Build Number  1. Verify the navigation to the Paint Activity  PNT.P1
> FUN Verify user can navigate to the Paint activity Paint activity icon is
> available Click on the Paint icon
>    Navigate to the Paint Activity          1.1 Verify the Activity tab in
> Paint Activity  PNT.P1.1.1 FUN Verify the features of the activity tab in
> Paint activity  User is in Paint activity window 1. Click on the Activity
> Tab
> 2. Check the features of activity tab   System should navigate to Activity
> tab and following features should be displayed
> - Name of the Activity
> - Share Option
> - Keep
> - Stop          PNT.P1.1.2 UI Verify weather Activity Name is Displayed in
> the search box option
>  User is in Activity tab Window. Check the activity name in the search box
> option   "Paint Activity" should be displayed in the search box option
>      PNT.P1.1.3 FUN Verify the Share Option of the activity tab User is in
> Activity tab Window. Click on the Share Drop down list.   System should
> display "Private" & "My Neighborhood" and default should be "Private"
>      PNT.P1.1.4 FUN Verify the functionality of Private User is in
> Activity tab Window. Select the Private option   User should be able to
> continue the actions on paint activity without any failure
> PNT.P1.1.5 FUN Verify the functionality of My Neighborhood 1. User is in
> Activity tab Window
> 2. OLPC Mesh connection is available. 1. Click on My Neighborhood option
> 2. Invite a person.
> 3. Join to the Paint Activity
> 4. Check whether shared person can view your actions   Verify whether
> connected people can share their actions          PNT.P1.1.6 FUN Verify
> the functionality of Keep User is in Activity tab Window. Click on Keep
> button   Verify whether the Paint Activity should not be closed
>           PNT.P1.1.7 FUN Verify the functionality of Stop User is in
> Activity tab Window. Click on Stop button   Verify whether the Paint
> Activity window should be closed.          1.2 Verify the Edit tab in
> Paint Activity  PNT.P1.2.1 FUN Verify the features of the edit tab in
> Paint activity  User is in Paint activity window 1. Click on the Edit Tab
> 2. Check the features of Edit tab
>    System should navigate to Edit tab and following features should be
> displayed
> - Undo
> - Redo
> - Copy
> - Paste
> - Clear          PNT.P1.2.2 FUN Verify the functionality of Undo User is
> in Edit tab Window. 1. Draw the image in window.
> 2. Click the Undo button.
>    When user clicks on the undo button, image should be cleared and redo
> button must be enable.
>           PNT.P1.2.3 FUN Verify the functionality of Redo User is in Edit
> tab Window. 1. Draw the image in window.
> 2. Click the Undo button.
> 3. Click the Redo button.   When user clicks on the redo button, image
> should be appeared back.          PNT.P1.2.4 FUN Verify the functionality
> of Copy User is in  Edit tab Window. 1. Draw the image in window.
> 2. Click on the Copy option.   User should be able to copy the image using
> copy button.
>           PNT.P1.2.5 FUN Verify the functionality of Paste User is in  Edit
> tab Window. 1. Draw the image in window.
> 2. Click on the Copy option.
> 3. Click on the Paste button.   Copied image should be pasted
> successfully.
>           PNT.P1.2.6 FUN Verify the functionality of Clear User is in Edit
> tab Window. 1. Draw the image in window.
> 2. Click on the Clear button.   User should be able to clear the image
> successfully.
>           1.3 Verify the Tools tab in Paint Activity  PNT.P1.3.1 FUN Verify
> the features of the Tool tab in Paint activity  User is in Paint activity
> window 1. Click on the Tools Tab
> 2. Check the features of Tools tab   System should navigated to Tools tab
> and following features should be displayed
> - Tool Color
> - Pencil
> - Brush
> - Eraser
> - Polygon
> - Bucket
> - Rectangular Marquee
>           PNT.P1.3.2 UI Navigate to the "Pick a color" Window. User is in
> Shapes Tab Window Click on the Tool color button.
>    "Pick a color" window should be popup and following features should be
> displayed.
> - Outer ring
> - Inner triangle
> - Color name
> - Hue(Position on the color wheel)
> - Saturation(Deepness of the color)
> - Value(Brightness of the color)
> - Red(Amount of Red light in the color)
> - Green(Amount of Green light in the color)
> - Blue(Amount of Blue light in the color)
> - Palette entry(Select Color Display)
> - Eyedropper
> - OK(Button)
> - Cancel(Button)          PNT.P1.3.3 FUN Verify the functionality of "OK"
> button User is in "Pick a Color" Window. 1. Select the color
> 2. Click "OK" button   Color should be appearing in the selected tool  and
> appear in the "Tool tab window".
>           PNT.P1.3.4 FUN Verify the functionality of "Cancel" button User
> is in "Pick a Color" Window. 1. Select the color
> 2. Click "Cancel" button   Selected color should not be appearing in the
> selected tool  and appear in the "Tool tab window".
>           PNT.P1.3.5 FUN Verify the functionality of "Outer ring"  User is
> in "Pick a Color" Window. 1. Select the color outer ring.
> 2. Click "OK" button.
>    Color should appear in the selected tool and following features changes
> based on the selection.
> - Color name (Color code)
> - Hue(Position on the color wheel)
> - Saturation(Deepness of the color)
> - Value(Brightness of the color)
> - Red(Amount of Red light in the color)
> - Green(Amount of Green light in the color)
> - Blue(Amount of Blue light in the color)
> - Palette entry(Select Color Display)
>           PNT.P1.3.6 FUN Verify the functionality of "Inner triangle"
>  User is in "Pick a Color" Window. 1. Select the darkness or lightness of
> the color using the inner triangle.
> 2. Click "OK" button.   Color should appear in the selected tool and
> following features changes based on the selection.
> - Color name (Color code)
> - Hue(Position on the color wheel)
> - Saturation(Deepness of the color)
> - Value(Brightness of the color)
> - Red(Amount of Red light in the color)
> - Green(Amount of Green light in the color)
> - Blue(Amount of Blue light in the color)
> - Palette entry(Select Color Display)
>           PNT.P1.3.7 FUN Verify the functionality of "Color name"
>  User is in "Pick a Color" Window. 1. Enter the color name inside the
> color name text.
> 2. Click "OK" button.   Color should be appearing in the selected tool .
>           PNT.P1.3.8 FUN Verify the functionality of "Eyedropper" User is
> in "Pick a Color" Window. 1. Click the Eyedropper.
> 2. Click color anywhere.
> 3. Click "OK" button.
>    Color should be appearing in the selected tool .
>           PNT.P1.3.9 FUN Verify the functionality of "Pencil" User is in
> Shapes Tab Window 1. Click on the Pencil.
> 2. Right click and select the size.
> 3. Draw the image or picture.
>    User should be able to draw a picture using pencil and pencil size
> should be change based on the selection.          PNT.P1.3.10 FUN Verify
> the functionality of "Brush" User is in Shapes Tab Window 1. Click on the
> Brush.
> 2. Right click and select the size.
> 3. Draw the image or picture.
>    User should be able to draw a picture using brush and brush size should
> be change based on the selection and default shape should be "Circle"
>      PNT.P1.3.11 FUN Verify the functionality of "Brush shape" User is in
> Shapes Tab Window 1. Click on the Brush.
> 2. Right click and select the size.
> 3.Select the square shape
> 3. Draw the image or picture.
>    User should be able to draw a square using square brush shape work and
> brush size should change based on the selection          PNT.P1.3.12 FUN Verify
> the functionality of "Eraser" User is in Shapes Tab Window 1. Click on the
> Eraser.
> 2. Right click and select the size.
> 3. Erase the image or picture.
>    User should be able to erase an image using the eraser and size should
> change based on the selection          PNT.P1.3.13 FUN Verify the
> functionality of "Eraser shape" User is in Shapes Tab Window 1. Click the
> Eraser.
> 2. Right click and select the size.
> 3.Select the square shape
> 3.Erase the image or picture.
>    User should be able to erase an image using the eraser and size should
> be square
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