[Sugar-devel] Problem with Soas 0913

Torello Querci torello at torosoft.com
Sun Sep 27 04:20:45 EDT 2009

Hi, I suppose that this mail need to be forward to the right guy, please
do it.

I check the latest Soas (20090913 IIRC) and not work. There is 2
problem: the /home/liveuser cannot be created and the Activity directory
is not copied from squashfs to the /home/liveuser directory.

If I run in VirtualBox like CDRom I have no problem because the home.img
is missing and the readonly home ins squashfs is used.

Moreover I try to jhbuild the latest sugar regard the keyboard settings
and not work in my ubuntu box while works on Soas and Fedora. I will
investigate in the next day.

Best Regards,
Torello Querci

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