[Sugar-devel] [Karma] State of Chakra and knavbar

Christoph Derndorfer christoph.derndorfer at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 07:04:23 EDT 2009

Since today is my last day here in the OLE Nepal offices I spent time
finishing up some work on Chakra and knavbar. So here are my thoughts on the
current stage of things.

I'm generally quite happy how far we've come in the past few weeks (special
thank again to Pavel for his contributions!). Areas that still need
attention are:

* the "admin" area on stage 1 needs nice icons and generally some layout
* Om has promised some new icons for stage 3 (months and weeks) which should
help in making that stage look nicer
* we need to find a way to make the "subject curriculum" link blend in a
nicer way
* making the background of the selected months / weeks white gets the job
done but is anything other than pretty
* the odd alignment issues I mentioned yesterday (with sometimes the layout
being oddly messed up after page-loads and then working again fine on
* html/css might not be as nice as it should be after my latest workings


I feel knvarbar is in a half-decent state where it's beginning to be
useable. Some of the things that are still missing are:

* a nicer looking welcome page, I feel the current one still leaves quite a
bit to be desired
* the lesson title area still isn't very nice
* we haven't really decided what the functionality of the "help" button will
* the html/css might also still need some attention after my latest changes

Cheers and talk to you all when I'm back in Austria,

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
url: www.olpcnews.com
e-mail: christoph at olpcnews.com
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