[Sugar-devel] sugaronastick.com (was Re: Beta Test of Sugar on a Stick Backup Service.)

Thomas C Gilliard satellit at bendbroadband.com
Thu Sep 17 18:35:28 EDT 2009

I agree "Sugar on a Stick" should be only the Fedora based sh script 
installed USB and SD software that sugarlabs produces.

I am calling other variants (except for Strawberry or "Blueberry") 
"Sugar Desktop on a Stick" to distinguish them.
these are "full install" (Anaconda and maybe zyx-liveinstaller?) SD/USB 
and their images, F11, F12 @Sugar-Desktop installs with and without 
Gnome, KDE, XFCE.

VMPlayer Appliances are "Sugar (F11,F12/opensuse11.1/..etc.)Appliances. etc.

I also wish that the range of rim colors available for the XO choice in 
F1 Neighborhood would distinguish what Distribution they are based on...
greens opensuse-edu
blues :blueberry
reds s-strawberry
etc... but this may be asking too much to do.

Tom Gilliard

Bill Bogstad wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Tomeu Vizoso <tomeu at sugarlabs.org> wrote:
>> Sorry about top posting, but I agree with most of what you said below,
>> and I'm not yet particularly worried about the content of the site
>> itself for now.
>> I really think that your initiative has big future and understand that
>> it's still in an early stage. I also think that something like that
>> could help SLs greatly.
>> But what I was referring to is that there's a community of people
>> working on a project called "sugar on a stick" and one individual has
>> launched a site with that same name talking about a derivative of it.
> I was a bit surprised by the usage of "sugaronastick.com" as well.  On
> the other hand, since we can't seem to define what the SoaS
> (sugaronastick?) project is or isn't, where is the problem?
> Let's say (for example), that somebody had ported Sugar to Linspire
> and made a bootable USB stick from it.  Would that be "sugar on a
> stick"?  If so why shouldn't they use the domain sugaronastick.com if
> they registered it before anyone else?
> On what moral (not to mention legal) basis, would you argue that what
> they had done was wrong?  Caroline did something related to Sugar, how
> is this not a good thing?   Let the confusion begin!
> Err maybe confusion IS the problem?  Maybe some concrete explicit
> limits to things which
> are documented somewhere other then rambling reoccurring mailing list
> threads could be useful.
> Yellow and Red are both fine colors for our soccer teams uniforms.
> But it gets real confusing
> for spectators if everyone on the team picks their favorite and so
> does everyone on the opposing team as well.  It may not even matter
> which color (definition of SoaS) we pick, but it does
> matter if people pick different ones.
> Bill Bogstad
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