[Sugar-devel] [Karma] let's stick w/ Javascript 1.6

Bryan Berry bryan at olenepal.org
Thu Sep 17 00:10:51 EDT 2009


I noticed that you said we are using Javascript 1.8 for Karma.

I strongly recommend that we stick w/ Javascript 1.6 or even 1.5

Only Firefox supports Js 1.8. Chrome does not and Safari does not.

Chrome does seem to support some aspects of Js 1.8 like 

map(), filter() , some(), reduce()

but it doesn't support forEach(), many(), let expressions

nor does it support the beautiful generator expressions that Js 1.8
does :(. __big :(__  

so while Mozilla is advancing js to become a truly awesome programming
language, I think we should hold back until the new features are better

I intend to find out safari does support map(), filter(), some(),
reduce() because we use the jquery equivalents already. Using the native
js method would speed up our code considerably and make it more portable

Bryan W. Berry
Technology Director
OLE Nepal, http://www.olenepal.org

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