[Sugar-devel] [Design] ColorButton

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Thu Sep 10 13:37:48 EDT 2009

On 10 Sep 2009, at 12:01, Aleksey Lim wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:54:48PM +0200, Simon Schampijer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> currently the ColorButton is not fully clear in it's behavior (see
>> http://dev.sugarlabs.org/ticket/388). Click outside the palette to  
>> close
>> it etc. Benjamin suggested to have an ok/cancel button to make the  
>> end
>> of the selection clear http://dev.sugarlabs.org/ticket/388#comment:7
>> Do others agree? Other thoughts?
> Another option is that picker should contain only predefined
> colors(and maybe one custom) by default and having
> click-to-close behaviour. Then if users want to make(change) custom
> color, they click "add.."(or so) button and palette opens right panel
> and click on predefined color will just change custom color.
> btw having select-to-close behavior(at least by default) we will keep
> things consistent, e.g. to select suboptions from palette menus, user
> needs only one click.

Is it possible to emit the colour change event as soon as a colour is  
clicked? Or, perhaps emit as soon as the mouse leaves the palette area?

I tried some quick mockups, the OK/Cancel doesn't feel very Sugar UI  
like (no other palettes use this behaviour). The click a colour to  
dismiss, with the addition of a 'custom colour' icon seems more  
natural, but looses a current nice feature where by you can pick a  
preset colour, see the sliders move, and then adjust them if you want  
to tweak. It also seems a little odd seeing both the toolbar icon and  
the custom icon changing colour at same time (see attachment below),  
though I guess in this case the toolbar icon could only change once  
you make a choice (and as you move a cursor around a document with  

Anyway, all this makes me think that solving the issue by emitting  
colour change events early (i.e. not just when palette closes) would  
be a cleaner solution (more like a bug fix for a current unintended  
behaviour rather than redesigning an already good UI to avoid it).


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