[Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar on a Stick v2 Release Naming

Martin Dengler martin at martindengler.com
Wed Sep 9 16:18:29 EDT 2009

On Wed, Sep 09, 2009 at 10:10:40PM +0200, Sean DALY wrote:
> Hi Martin
> The idea is ice cream flavors

Ok.  I hadn't picked up on this, despite being in the meeting when it
was mentioned[1].  I suspect others may not have, either.

> and Blueberry works since I had rollup banners and posters made in
> both the Strawberry and Blueberry colors, keeping them current for
> at least a couple of years (considering their cost).


> However, as stated previously it hasn't been our plan to name SoaS
> releases in advance

Where is this policy?  Does it state how far in advance is "in

> thanks
> Sean


1. http://meeting.sugarlabs.org/sugar-meeting.log.20090609_1104.html
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