[Sugar-devel] [Karma] a possible bug in jquery.karma.js

Bryan Berry bryan at olenepal.org
Sun Sep 6 21:40:01 EDT 2009

On Sun, 2009-09-06 at 20:30 -0500, Felipe López Toledo wrote:
> :|
> yep, that is a bug
> the problem is this line: this.container.appendChild( this.canvas );
>         from what I understand this if block is supposed to get you
>         the context
>         of canvas that is already in the DOM. The
>         this.container.appendChild(..)
>         adds a new canvas element w/ the same ID. Is this what you
>         intend?
> no!, my intention was to add the previously created canvas element as
> a child of the specified container, this is useful if are not using
> inline canvas declaration...
> this line must me inside the "if block" around line 627
> thanks for reporting the bug.
> btw. should we use launchpad.net fro reporting bugs?

I don't know. I have joined launchpad but haven't taken the time to look
at it.

Are many others in the SL community using Launchpad? If not many are
then it may be better for us to just use Trac

Bryan W. Berry
Technology Director
OLE Nepal, http://www.olenepal.org

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