[Sugar-devel] query

deepanshu arora deepanshuarora1 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 13:09:26 EDT 2009

yes Benjamin..u are right.
I am trying to make an interface that would allow users to edit programmable
tools while inside paint.
If this approach dont sounds nice to you, can you suggest me an
alternative(or modification to this approach).

On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 2:19 AM, Benjamin M. Schwartz <
bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu> wrote:

> deepanshu arora wrote:
> > But i need "copy_to_journal.py" script for the same which m not able to
> > access(and cant find it on internet).
> > Please help me for the same.
> > Also please comment on the approach.
> This is not a very good approach.  I can't offer very good advice, because
> I don't know exactly what you would like to do.  It sounds like you are
> building support for programmable tools in Paint.  Are you trying to:
> 1. Allow users to edit programmable tools while inside Paint?
> 2. Allow users to export programmable tools for editing with other
> activities?
> 3. Allow users to import programmable tools that have been edited with
> other activities?
> I would recommend option 1, both because the user experience is better and
> because it is easiest to implement.  What do you have in mind?
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