[Sugar-devel] Fwd: [Bug 419240] [NEW] Need instructions on how to set up a cluster of computers so they collaborate.

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu
Tue Sep 1 14:41:52 EDT 2009

Caroline Meeks wrote:
> One piece of this will be creating a cluster in the hallway, that
> collaborates locally but does not have internet access.  I've yet to get
> this to work.  We need to translate from discussions of network segments to
> very practical discussion of what specific model numbers can you buy at the
> store and it will work for X number of computers.

You should be able to use any "switch" with as many ports as you have
computers.  For example:
5 ports:
8 ports:
16 ports:

(The Microcenter in Cambridge happens to be my usual place to buy this
sort of electronics.)

All you should need is a switch like that, and one standard ethernet cable
for each computer.  If you have a very large number of machines, you can
start connecting multiple switches together, but this sounds unlikely to
be necessary for your purposes.


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