[Sugar-devel] Live CD with network / HDD storage - possible?

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at sugarlabs.org
Tue Oct 13 05:00:27 EDT 2009

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 05:37, James Cameron <quozl at laptop.org> wrote:
> The method myself and a team of others used week before last at a
> holiday camp was to take a current Knoppix Live CD, extract the
> compressed loopback filesystem, and then use the standard Debian tools
> to install a desktop package of our choice.  We could have installed the
> sugar-desktop package if we needed it, but our participants had
> needs that were not met by Sugar.
> The camp was run at a state high school in Queensland, Australia.  There
> were many (~90) modern desktop computers in the commerce classrooms, but
> we were not permitted to use the Microsoft Windows environment on each.
> We had to avoid touching the hard drives.
> We set up two servers that would PXE boot the classroom computers.  One
> server was held in reserve in case the other failed.  We used two
> different methods; one was a CentOS 5.3 system booted from a RAID array,
> the other was a Knoppix system booted from a USB flash drive.  These
> servers were configured to respond to the PXE boot requests from the
> classroom computers, provide a kernel over TFTP, then provide the
> filesystem over NFS.
> The remastered filesystem contained everything we thought our
> participants would need.  Several times during the week we modified this
> filesystem to add further features.
> Booting time was about one minute, if I recall correctly.
> I've not done the same with Sugar yet, but it should be quite possible.
> You might like to look at LTSP and the "server" packages.

I think I have heard that Trisquel is already setup for this environment?



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