[Sugar-devel] Strings missing in 0.86 r. 04_10_2009 ReadEtext

Wade Brainerd wadetb at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 10:32:09 EDT 2009

Hi Carlo,

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 9:41 AM, Carlo Falciola <cfalciola at yahoo.it> wrote:

> - Typing Turtle
> Most of "comments" strings: like:
> "Hihowahyah!  Ready to learn the secret of fast typing?\n"

Typing Turtle doesn't use the standard localization system for its lesson
data: different keyboard layouts change the lessons too much for it to make
any sense.

The latest version does ship with a GUI lesson editor though, and if anyone
wants to help out with the lesson development effort they're welcome to!

(Hmmm, perhaps for translators I should include a dummy string like
"TRANSLATORS: To translate lesson content, .......")

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