[Sugar-devel] [Olpc-france] Demande d'information technique sur Sugar

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org
Fri Oct 9 07:56:25 EDT 2009

On Fri, Oct 09, 2009 at 11:54:52AM +0200, Sean DALY wrote:

> Here's a question from France: can Sugar run over an ARM processor?
Yes, I am running both the native Debian Sugar packages and 
sugar-jhbuild on an OpenRD-Base. You should make sure to upgrade to the 
latest Sugar versions (0.86.1/2) because I've fixed a data store bug 
that appeared only on ARM so far (behaviour was undefined and it worked 
fine on x86).
We are thinking about setting up an ARM buildslave, but it might take 
some time. Emulation (qemu) doesn't work reliably and the real hardware 
needs a temperature sensor before I'm comfortable running heavy-duty 
unattended jobs on it (it doesn't even have a heatsink).

With "Sugar", i mean the platform itself. For activities, it depends on 
whether they are pure Python or bundle some binary stuff. x86_64 hosts 
have similar issues, though some activities now bundle both x86 (32bit) 
and x86_64 binaries, but most likely not ARM ones.

Summary: Yes, Sugar 0.86.1+ runs on ARM. Prefer pure-Python activities; 
thoroughly test others before relying on them.

CU Sascha

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