[Sugar-devel] [Testing] Test summary - 26 September 2009 Auckland
Gary C Martin
gary at garycmartin.com
Mon Oct 5 12:08:20 EDT 2009
Hi Fabiana,
I just tested with Safari downloading an .xol from activities.sugarlabs.org
(there's only one I could find called Newbery, and no biology), and
the bundle downloaded correctly.
Were you trying to download from OLPC's wiki.laptop.org?
It looks like there is an issue there on that server if you click
directly on a link to a .xol file. However if you ctrl-click on the
link, you can specify to download/save-as instead to avoid it being
P.S. .xo and .xol bundles are just .zip files with some agreed
directory structures and files in. On any computer you can just rename
the extension to .zip, then unzip it to get a look at what's inside.
You could then make additions/modifications to the content inside and
then re-zip the folder back up again to create a refresh of content
for use in Sugar (on a Mac just ctrl-click on the folder and select
On 5 Oct 2009, at 02:16, Fabiana Kubke wrote:
> Will test in my computer at home tonight and send the details.
> Sorry for the delay, finally sorted my gmail settings so communicating
> should be easier from now on. (In the meantime, I know I am using an
> old
> operating system).
> Cheers
> Fabiana
> Dr M Fabiana Kubke
> Department of Anatomy
> Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
> University of Auckland
> (+64) 9 373-7599 Ext 86002
> (+64)9 923 6002 (direct)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gary C Martin [mailto:gary at garycmartin.com]
> Sent: Monday, 5 October 2009 10:13 a.m.
> To: Tabitha Roder
> Cc: Fabiana Kubke; David Farning; sugar-devel Devel
> Subject: Re: [Testing] Test summary - 26 September 2009 Auckland
> On 4 Oct 2009, at 21:38, Tabitha Roder wrote:
>> Safari XO activities issue:
>>> Just retested here in Safari and it's working OK here. All the
>>> Activities I
>>> clicked download arrived as .xo bundles in my downloads folder. I'm
>>> on Snow
>>> Leopard, but I've downloaded .xo files on my Mac reasonably often
>>> in the
>>> past (quick way to look at the source code or icons).
>>> Tabitha, was a particular activity you were seeing the issue on?
>>> Let me know
>>> and I'll give it a try just in case the issue is just with a few
>>> downloads.
>>> Regards,
>>> --Gary
>> Hi Gary
>> It was biology activity I think.
> Ooooh, aaaahhh, I think that might be a collection (a zip of html et
> al for Browse to deal with), not an Activity (as in regular executable
> code) though there really should be no distinction if we get this
> feature right. I'll try to take a look later, but it could well be a
> MIME issue, the 'collections' are designated .xol and may well be
> being served differently.
>> The tester is Fabiana -
>> f.kubke at auckland.ac.nz - so I have copied her in so she can send you
>> the link she had trouble with in Safari.
>> Fabiana - when you reply include OS X version you use (are you on
>> Snow
>> Leopard, Tiger, ? - there is a number in "About this Mac" that should
>> say 10.5.xxxx)
>> Gary - Fabiana is new to our NZ testing group and is in a different
>> city to us so joins us by IRC on Saturdays. She is a lecturer at
>> Auckland University Education department.
> Thanks Tabitha, and hi Fabiana! I've cc'ed David Farning (and the dev
> list) to keep them in the loop on this, I think I saw Dave upload an
> early test .xol to the activities.sl.org site, so he might have some
> inside information.
> Will send another email once I've had the chance to re-test in Safari
> with a .xol file.
> Regards,
> --Gary
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