[Sugar-devel] Feature Process for Activities was (Re: Sugar Digest 2009-11-30)

Simon Schampijer simon at schampijer.de
Mon Nov 30 16:56:41 EST 2009

On 11/30/2009 09:28 PM, Walter Bender wrote:
> 2. Simon Schampijer, the Sugar Release Manager, has put together a
> detailed set of pages in the wiki outlining our policy
> [[http://wiki/sugarlabs.org/go/Features/Policy]] and process
> [[http://wiki/sugarlabs.org/go/Features/Feature_Template]] for
> proposing new Sugar features. "The main goal of the feature policy is
> to make systematic and predictable the process by which community
> ideas on how Sugar should evolve get transformed into actionable
> proposals."
> Simon and I have been discussing the scope of this policy in IRC. It
> is appropriate and customary for the Release Manager to set policy,
> but I would like to see the process followed more generally, as it
> provides a structure that the Activity Team can also leverage as part
> of the on-going Sugar activity update process. Activities updates
> wouldn't be tied to Sucrose release cycle, but it provides a nice
> framework for community feedback and makes clear the roles of
> ideation, implementation, and packaging and maintenance.

Of course I am happy if the Feature Process Framework will be used as 
well by the activity team. So far I only thought about the Sucrose 
release using the Framework. A process gets to be something useful - the 
moment it is used. For the Sucrose release we have been seen use and it 
has delivered some value, too.

Is the activity community interested in using the Framework, too?

If yes)
There is the part in the wiki, where we describe what is needed to get a 
Feature in a a Sucrose release [1]. How would the activity team describe 
that part? What is the policy for getting an activity Feature into an 
activity release?

Please discuss here, and/or use the talk page to describe the activity 
team policy. We can merge it then in the main page. Direct edits are not 
that easy for me to keep a track on.



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