[Sugar-devel] Volunteer Opportunity

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org
Fri Nov 6 14:36:57 EST 2009

On Fri, Nov 06, 2009 at 10:10:16AM -0800, Derek Dally wrote:

First of all, thanks for offering your help, it's greatly appreciated!

> Does anyone need a hand?
Others have already replied, but I'd like to point out an area where we 
urgently need help: One of the most basic features, Collaboration, has 
been quite unreliable for many people.
Since most of the problems are transient, pinpointing them isn't easy 
and likely to consume a considerable amount of time. Some of them are 
due to local (mis)configuration (esp. firewalls) which doesn't help 
locating them either.

Dave Bauer (admin of jabber.sugarlabs.org), David van Assche and some 
others have done some testing sessions in the past; don't know what 
their current state of affairs is.

CU Sascha

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