[Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Journal criticism

NoiseEHC NoiseEHC at freemail.hu
Thu May 28 05:53:51 EDT 2009

>> I think it's very important if we want to keep pushing Sugar that we
>> distinguish between design decisions and bugs and unimplemented
>> features. If we bring down good design ideas not by themselves but
>> because of its implementation status, we risk ending up with nothing
>> that brings new value compared to existing desktops.
> You say that like it would be a bad thing. The existing desktops
> are at least time-tested. Learning to deal with the common features
> of modern desktop systems is very valuable for children.

This relies on the assumption that 8 years from now when children grow 
up we will still use directories. I do not dare to predict the future so 
I will leave it to you... :)

The following things unfortunately cannot be done with a flat filesystem 
1. Revision based view.
2. Tagging.
Of course, these views could be shown as a tree-like structure but it 
does not necessary mean that a filesystem should be the underlying storage.

It is a totally different problem that the current Journal barely 
implements those things but dropping it in favor of "time-tested" 
solutions is a mistake IMHO. (Note that no filesystem solves those 
problems I have mentioned.)
Another different problem is that Sugar should have a compatibility mode 
for example for USB drives but it will be implemented as I know so 
talking about that is moot.

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