[Sugar-devel] [sugar-devel] Recent fiddlings with Print Support

Vamsi Krishna Davuluri vamsi.davuluri at gmail.com
Wed May 13 03:33:26 EDT 2009

Okay, so here's the latest dope.

Assertion: abiword 2.6.8 might be the best stable out there, but its a
nightmare for my project.
Reason: It requires an intermediate conversion, and the final pdf which is
achieved doesn't have text that can copy/pasted (bug)
Correction: Avoid 2.6.8 for the deployments

My new code is version independent anyway,

And if we can Avoid 2.6.8, we won't have to worry about text being drawn as
image artifacts; they will be drawn as text only.

This week's job, integrate this into fork() of read.
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