[Sugar-devel] Keyboard shortcuts

Jameson Quinn jameson.quinn at gmail.com
Fri May 1 13:59:52 EDT 2009

> I don't see how the <alt> keys are more consistent - I'll have to
> re-read the proposal and the definition of "consistency".

ctrl (and all modifier combos including it): application shortcuts
alt: global sugar shortcuts

> I don't see why they're more discoverable, either - and my point you
> quoted was trying to point out why they didn't have to be: you have a
> whole other set of keys that are *meant* to be the ones discovered and
> used.

The idea is that holding alt shows a cheat sheet of global shortcuts. Also,
even without implementing that, it is easier to find single-mod shortcuts by
trial and error than it is to find multiple-mod ones.
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