[Sugar-devel] Keyboard shortcuts

Jameson Quinn jameson.quinn at gmail.com
Fri May 1 09:04:03 EDT 2009

(note: I suggest below that we use caps-lock as the frame key)

2009/4/30 Gary C Martin <gary at garycmartin.com>

> Still think this is a tough, disruptive sell for very small gains. We
> should focus on getting activity authors (and sugar) using the now fully
> functioning accelerator feature to self document shortcuts.

Which part? This is actually three separate proposals: "discoverable"
(translucent letters), "ubiquitous" (auto-assignment), and "consistent"
(rearranging). Your comments about "consistent" are below, but I don't know
if the above refers to "discoverable" or "ubiquitous". If you mean that
ubiquity is a small gain, noted; if you mean discoverability, I disagree and
would like to hear you elaborate your argument.

Also, since I'm coding, "tough" is a weak criticism.

> Anyway, just some quick comments:

and responses

> On 1 May 2009, at 03:28, Jameson Quinn wrote:
>  I am interested in making our keyboard shortcuts discoverable, ubiquitous,
>> and consistent.
> --- snip ---
>     '0x93'                 : 'frame',
>>    'Insert'               : 'frame', #for SoaS
>>    '0x00'                 : 'frame', #for SoaS on Xephyr, see below.
> None of my 3 Mac laptops has an Insert key, and the standard keyboard that
> ships with iMac desktops also has no insert. Think all Macs currently ship
> with such keyboards, sans numeric pad, though you can make a custom order
> for "Apple Keyboard with Numeric Keypad"... actually, just checked that key
> layout as well and no insert key either – but hey, you get 19 function keys
> for your money ;-)
> --- snip ---

I hadn't seen this, I only knew from wikipedia that if your keyboard does
have insert Apple sees it as "help". Looking at a few pictures of Macbook
keyboards, I have to say I like the minimalism, but it leaves few options.
F5-F8 should ideally IMO be available to individual activities. That leaves
caps lock, or key combos (I'd favor close-up combos such as

I'd vote for caps lock. This is, of course, somewhat more radical than most
of my other suggestions, so needs discussion.

>     '<alt><ctrl>Escape'    : 'close_window_discard_from_journal',
> Not sure what this one is.

Close the activity but don't show the naming dialog. Delete the resulting
journal entry.

> --- snip ---
>   #... alt-numeral should be like the top row of the frame, so alt-5 would
>> be journal
>>  #and alt-6 first running activity
> So is the reason behind this idea to help keyboards without any F keys?
> Should this not also include the F5 key being made to show the Journal
> (equiv. to open_search I think).

This is for keyboards without F keys, but it also gives a natural way to get
the journal and individual activities. alt-shift-N with N>5 could be "close
activity N-5". I think that F5 should be available to individual activities,
so I'd vote against F5/Journal. I'd accept the majority decision, though.

> --- snip ---
>  # the following are intended for emulator users
>> #    '<alt><shift>f'        : 'frame', #removed
>> #    '<alt><shift>o'        : 'open_search', #removed
>> #    '<alt><shift>r'        : 'rotate', #removed
> Why the removals?? Now I would have no working keys at all for accessing
> the frame!

Because they're inconsistent with the master plan, and
highly-non-discoverable too.

> --- snip ---
>  ...
>> Also, ctrl-numeral would choose toolbars, and toolbar tabs would get
>> little translucent numbers when you held control.
> So what happens to an activity that uses some ctrl-numerals already
> (labyrinth does)?

could it use F5-F8? I don't know what it does with these. In practice, the
activity could get them by assigning them before creating that toolbar;
ideally, I'd like this to be a consistent standard.

> For my bike-shed, I'd be happy with F1-F4 as is, F5 can be Journal, F6
> could be frame, then we could make little bits of printed card with icons
> on, and kids could sticky-tape them just above their F keys ;-)

OK, that's a vote. I vote against you. May the best bike-shed win! (And
since I don't understand what your position on discoverable and ubiquitous
is, I can't count your vote there).

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