[Sugar-devel] Sugar Presence Service and Resume Behavior

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu
Mon Jun 29 22:34:03 EDT 2009

Eben Eliason wrote:
> I know GroupThink does everything it can to prevent collisions, but
> with this we should also be thinking about the worst case. The
> intended baseline behavior (before we get into any fancy merging
> libraries) was to allow two instances with the same activity_id but
> different version_ids to run simultaneously, and be joined by any of
> their participants, thus allowing manual copy/paste merging. The
> instance left open last would then become, naturally, the most recent
> and therefore the "agreed upon" version moving forward.

Hmm.  This creates a bit of a dilemma.

In Groupthink, there is no such thing as a collision.  You could say
"collisions are not supported".  Therefore, my model has been that
different versions of a document should always be launched into a single
shared session, where the data will be merged immediately and
automatically.  If the user wishes to create a separate branch not to be
automatically merged with the existing document, she should create a copy
of the journal entry with a new activity_id. (No, we don't seem to have a
UI for that.)

If the system is designed to prevent different versions from joining into
a single shared session, then perhaps this explains the observed behavior.
 It also entirely prevents automerging of offline work.


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