[Sugar-devel] Testing streamlined sugar-jhbuild

Bobby Powers bobbypowers at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 13:09:38 EDT 2009

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Jonas Smedegaard<dr at jones.dk> wrote:
> Hash: RIPEMD160
> On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 04:48:39PM +0200, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
>>On 06/18/09 20:02, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>>>> If you're running a *recent* distro other than Fedora or Ubuntu,
>>>> please check out this repository, build, and report back:
>>> As you probably all know, I do run a certain distribution different
>>> from those emphasized above.  I do not, however, trust a complex
>>> web-interacting script like jhbuild to run on my machine.
>>> I run packaged software.  Risky too, but cutting the wildest edges, I
>>> believe.
>>Could you run jhbuild with a different uid, in a chroot environment, or
>>even in a virtual machine?
> Ah, now that you have lured me out of my cave, I guess I have no excuse
> left :-)
> A test run inside a chroot'ed COW (copy-on-write) Debian Sid environment
> with only core development tools installed + git-core and python2.5,
> "sugar-jhbuild update" failes with the following message:
> *** Checking out matchbox-window-manager *** [20/45]
> *** Error during phase force_checkout of matchbox-window-manager: svn not found *** [20/45]
> I suspect there is no point testing in Squeeze or Lenny, as I imagine it
> would fail at same point (and would in *any* environment, even on
> Fedora).

it sounds like you should be able to add subversion to your aptitude
line, run from inside the chroot:
aptitude -y install adduser git-core python wget subversion


> Kind regards,
>  - Jonas
> - --
> * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
> * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
>  [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private
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