[Sugar-devel] ASLO vs. wiki.laptop.org activities

James Simmons jim.simmons at walgreens.com
Thu Jun 18 10:28:00 EDT 2009


I am doing that now, but the page I'm pointing to is the one on 
wiki.laptop.org.  Should I abandon that page and create a new one 
somewhere else?  Should I perhaps move my pages to wiki.sugarlabs.org 
and replace my current page with a link to ASLO?

James Simmons

David Farning wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 5:38 PM, James Simmons<jim.simmons at walgreens.com> wrote:
>> I've been maintaining ASLO and the wiki.laptop.org activities pages for
>> both of my Activities.  I'd be willing to give up the Wiki page if ASLO
>> gave me someplace to put the level of detail I have on those pages.  Now
>> some of this detail could be cut down, but for Read Etexts at least how
>> to get TTS working needs some explanation, at least until most XOs have
>> the needed software installed by default.  I modeled my pages on the
>> original pages created for the Read Activity.
>> I'll do whatever everyone else does on this, but I am saying that the
>> amount of information I can put on ASLO is less than I'd like.
> The activity portal allows activity developers to set an Activity Home
> Page for each activity.  Any additional information should go on the
> home page.
> Would that solve your problem?
> david
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