[Sugar-devel] OT: determining memory usage of short-lived processes

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org
Sat Jun 6 15:40:18 EDT 2009

Sorry for the OT post, at least it's for my GSoC project. :)

I've examined memory usage of long running processes (i.e. daemons and 
applications) in the past, no problems.
But for my VCS comparison I need to determine the peak memory usage of 
all child processes (combined), which are rather short-lived. What's the 
best way to do that? Performance is an issue as the benchmark already 
takes 13h to run on a sample set of 100 Project Gutenberg files 
(originally I had a sample size of ~800 files). That probably rules out 
valgrind (AFAIK it incurs quite a performance penalty)...

CU Sascha

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