[Sugar-devel] Can't compile mozilla on sugar-jhbuild

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org
Sat Jun 6 08:20:38 EDT 2009

On Sat, Jun 06, 2009 at 03:46:38PM +0200, Bastien wrote:

> So why did I need to "rm -rf source/mozilla source/hulahop" before 
> rebuilding?
Politically correct answer: because xulrunner often breaks after updates 
and rebuilding it from scratch fixes it.

> Maybe I miss something here, but the hard part is not to "rm -rf 
> <dir>" the hard part is to know what dir to delete...
For most modules the directory name is the same as the module name (with 
version appended in case of tarballs). For xulrunner it's different for 
historical reasons. I had the hope we could get rid of xulrunner 
completely (as a module of sugar-jhbuild), but as this has proven false 
I'm going to fix the name soon.

CU Sascha

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