[Sugar-devel] What is the vision for software update?

Caroline Meeks caroline at solutiongrove.com
Mon Jun 1 11:54:34 EDT 2009


We are working on making software update (both activities and underlying OS)
work for Sugar on a Stick and we aren't that clear on what the vision, spec
and state of code is for software update on the XO.

Does it require Root to update the software?
Do students do it themselves somehow?
Do updates come from the school server or an OLPC server somewhere?
Is the updating of activities vs sugar code vs fedora code integrate or

We are imagining that having the XS control all this is the optimal
solution.  Do other people see it the same way? Is this code written for the
XS+XO or speced and not yet written or wished for but not yet speced?

Caroline Meeks
Solution Grove
Caroline at SolutionGrove.com

617-500-3488 - Office
505-213-3268 - Fax
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