[Sugar-devel] Wireless Connection
Abhishek Indoria
hackerboymayabhi at gmail.com
Fri Jul 31 08:19:43 EDT 2009
To be specific in what? Look, I want to connect to a wifi network, but there
are hardly any WIFI hotspot in India. There exists some USB modem wireless
connections. Can I connect to them, without owning an USB modem. The rates
are very high these days. Sugar network window(Neighbour view) never show up
any wireless point except the three MESH network points(1,6,11). I want to
connect to the internet, Without spending on USB modems.Is there really any
way in which I can connect to the internet wirelessly and find some Wireless
Points.I also want to know more about SSID, how can I obtain them? How can I
connect to internet then, to any Wireless Points or a USB modem connection.
Is there any way in which I can catch USB modem signals and connect through
them? How else can I connect to internet via my mobile phone? I have it
internet enabled.
Thanks again
Abhishek Indoria
OLPC Support,
Volunteer Driven
Abhishek Indoria
OLPC Support,
Volunteer Driven
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