[Sugar-devel] [Csnd] Re: Latest Project

Andres Cabrera mantaraya36 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 08:03:16 EDT 2009


On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 3:52 PM, Peter Robinson<pbrobinson at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've also spotted another issue. Though Csound is set for ALSA audio drivers
>> (whether they are specified in CsOptions or not), it cannot find them and
>> aborts with "can't open device "plughw" for audio output. Seems we need to
>> get audio output straightened up as well. Note: this was not a problem with
>> OLPCsound (5.08); ALSA drivers were expected and found, whether they were
>> specified or not. (Though this is fine with me, canonical Csound normally
>> defaults to portaudio on all platforms - so I didn't expect this behavior.
>> Perhaps XO/Sugar/OLPCsound purposefully doesn't include portaudio?)
> portaudio isn't used in Fedora, do you mean pulseaudio?

Its not there by default, but it can be added. Csound can be built
without portaudio, and has been for Sugar. Portaudio is a different
beast from Pulseaudio, since its not an audio server, but a hardware
abstraction system.

But this makes me think, that since Csound supports pulseaudio as
well, should it be built with pulseaudio enabled and used by default?
Maybe the only problem would be latency, but there would be a
significant improvement in usability since Csound won't lock the audio
hardware and Csound will run fine even if other software is using the
audio hardware.


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