[Sugar-devel] SoaS Getting stuck at the Fedora Login Screen

Caroline Meeks caroline at solutiongrove.com
Tue Jul 28 20:07:19 EDT 2009

This week I'm focusing on issue that make it hard to deploy SoaS.

One of these is stick failures.  I believe there is more then one cause to
stick failures so I'm going to try to attack them one a time, we don't have
to get it to 0 but right now its a major disruption, almost every class
someone has a broken stick.

The most common sort of failure mode seems to be that the stick gets stuck
at the Fedora Login Screen.

Any ideas what is happening?

1. Why do we go there at all during  reboot?
2. Sometimes it goes there without liveuser filled in, then its impossible
to continue.
3. Sometimes if has liveuser but when you press return it takes you back to
the login screen.

I wonder if we just have a bug somewhere and its not the sticks fault at

Caroline Meeks
Solution Grove
Caroline at SolutionGrove.com

617-500-3488 - Office
505-213-3268 - Fax
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