[Sugar-devel] question about: Main Karma Package
Bryan Berry
bryan at olenepal.org
Tue Jul 21 21:33:16 EDT 2009
On Tue, 2009-07-21 at 17:49 -0500, Felipe López Toledo wrote:
> Hi Bryan.
> I have one question about
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Karma/Bundle_layout
> I'm working with our new layout ;)
> until yesterday, each lesson could work independently. each lesson had
> their own js files.
> The beauty of that way, was that you could take a specific lesson
> folder and put it everywhere and it would work.
> if we want to do that with the new arrangement, it would be necessary
> to carry:
> The specific Lesson folder + Karma lesson bundle folder
Exactly. the stuff common to all the lessons, like karma.css, jquery.js,
goes in the top-level directory
so ROOT > js/ , css/ , karmaplatz.html, lessons/
lessons > js/, css/
Does it seems like too much overhead to carry around the karmaplatz? I
figure that most of the time devs will want the karmaplatz to accompany
their lessons.
> I would suggest to merge Karma lesson bundle / js with Lesson / js.
> The problem is that we will have repeated files.
Yeah. my best solution is just to separate them as specified before
> also, the Main Karma Package has its own js folder ("..contain the
> code common to all examples.."), I suppose it is not necessary since
> we have the examples folder that will be (I suppose) a Karma Lesson
> bundle folder.
> or maybe I'm misunderstanding things.
I want the examples to use the same common js/ and css/ folders as
lessons/ . By default, the links to the examples will appear in
karmaplatz.html . I want the paths used in the examples to be the same
ones that can be used by the new user-created lessons in lessons/ .
Using the same file directory layout makes this easier.
So, I want the examples to look at root > css/, js/ for their common
files just as the new "lessons" in lessons/ will
> felipe
Bryan W. Berry
Technology Director
OLE Nepal, http://www.olenepal.org
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