[Sugar-devel] Physics activity (Was: Release v3 tonight?)

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Sat Jul 18 17:50:33 EDT 2009

On 18 Jul 2009, at 22:30, Asaf Paris Mandoki wrote:

> Hi,
> In order to make the UI more friendly y suggest removing hidden  
> features of the joint tool that allow you to add pins because I  
> think it is unexpected behavior.

Yes, I almost removed the "right click to pin" hidden feature when I  
was fixing up the UI and small object crashing bugs. Happy to see it  
go no we have an explicit pin tool.

> Another minor modification can be to change the name of the joint  
> tool to rope tool. What do you think?

No. But I agree the joint tool is not ideally named. It's really a  
"rod" or "strut" tool (solid/ridged bar with joints at each end).  
Perhaps even a "link" tool. I thought about this in my UI round, but  
other than tweaking the icon a little I didn't see a clear win. Happy  
to revise though if there's a consensus – I thought of changing the  
icon to several of links in a chain, but this would indicate the joint  
is made of flexible sections, when actually it is a solid rod with a  
pivot at each end.


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