[Sugar-devel] Sugar on Debian

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org
Tue Jul 14 09:58:43 EDT 2009

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 03:32:40PM +0200, Sascha Silbe wrote:

>> before log
>> Lagersegmentfejl (core dumped)
Just happened to meet Michael on #sugar, looks like he's seen a similar 

15:27 < m_stone> silbe: I ran into some segfaults myself while working 
at it, which pointed
                   to a 2-week-old debian bug.
15:28 < silbe> m_stone: interesting, in which package?
15:29 < m_stone> for me, the core-dump was generated by sugar-session, 
w/ backtrace:
15:29 < m_stone> #0  0xb7e267f6 in *__GI_raise (sig=6) at
15:29 < m_stone> #1  0xb7e29d38 in *__GI_abort () at abort.c:88
15:29 < m_stone> #2  0xb7b37a2c in g_assertion_message () from 
15:29 < m_stone> #3  0xb7b3804d in g_assertion_message_expr () from 
15:29 < m_stone> #4  0xb7aa3952 in ORBit_register_objref () from 
15:29 < m_stone> #5  0xb7aa3b8e in ?? () from /usr/lib/libORBit-2.so.0
15:29 < m_stone> then a few more ??.
15:30 < m_stone> sufficient application of killall -u sugar, restarting 
the Xephyr, and
                   maybe even rebooting made the problem disappear.
15:31 < m_stone> anyway, if you search for that __GI_raise()/raise.c:64 
line you'll get a
                   bunch of hits in unrelated software.
15:31 < m_stone> including
15:39 < silbe> m_stone: do you already know something more specific 
about the cause?
15:40 < m_stone> nope, only that I haven't seen it happen at all in my 
recent testing. (I
                   have switched orbit to localhost-ipv4 in that testing, 
but it could be

Given that it fails inside pure-Python code for you, I'd bet it's the 
same root cause.

CU Sascha

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