[Sugar-devel] attention packagers: several fixes after 0.85.1

Simon Schampijer simon at schampijer.de
Sun Jul 12 18:54:34 EDT 2009

On 07/12/2009 04:14 PM, Tomeu Vizoso wrote:
> Hi,
> both sugar and sugar-toolkit contain some fixes that improve
> significantly the experience. So if you were considering packaging
> Sugar 0.85.1 for your favorite distro, consider packaging instead git
> snapshots.
> For your convenience I have uploaded them here:
> http://shell.sugarlabs.org/~tomeu/sugar-0.85.1.git05405976ad.tar.bz2
> http://shell.sugarlabs.org/~tomeu/sugar-toolkit-0.85.1.git8d21a6d884.tar.bz2
> Please notice that Sugar depends now on Metacity, instead of Matchbox.
> We could do a release if a packager really needs it.
> Regards,
> Tomeu

Awesome, thanks for that work. Especially for taking care of the event 
timestamp in the keyhandler.

You only missed a little argument, but spotting those is my part of the 
game ;p



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