[Sugar-devel] Bug tracker enhancements

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org
Sat Jul 11 05:35:07 EDT 2009

On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 10:37:15AM +0545, Bryan Berry wrote:

> I think redmine in general is much easier to use but it might not
> provide enough additional functionality to justify the pain of
> migration.
Please be very careful about this. At least the instances run by Redmine 
themselves (their own tracker and the demo instance) need JavaScript to 
work (e.g. "Apply"ing new filter settings doesn't work at all - other 
things like "Next" on search results seem to work at first, but actually 
don't). This would be a major PITA for me.

After a quick scan of the Redmine site I came up with the following 
lists (only considered features that I deem important personally):

Features Redmine has that Trac lacks:
- follow up (=comment) on bug reports via email

Features Trac has that Redmine lacks:
! works without JavaScript
- OpenID login (scheduled for 0.9)

Features Trac has that I couldn't verify for Redmine:
- prefilled bug filing forms, e.g. via URL

Features both don't (seem to) have:
- change (set status etc.) bugs via email
- integration with external trackers (for tracking upstream bugs)

Note that these lists are not considered complete, just what came into 
my mind in the first few minutes.

Redmine feels much more responsive than dev.sugarlabs.org, but so does 
the upstream Trac instance [2]. (*)

(*) How do we run Trac, BTW? Upstream FAQ [3] recommends 
mod_python/mod_wsgi over FastCGI for better performance. There's also a 
bug report[4] about Trac 0.11 being very slow.
[2] http://trac.edgewall.org/query
[3] http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracFaq#Tracseemstorunveryslowly
[4] http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/7490

CU Sascha

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