[Sugar-devel] GPA curriculum

Caroline Meeks solutiongrove at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 11:13:16 EDT 2009

Getting more info on curriclum is on my agenda for Tuesday afternoon  
can you stay after class and join me?  I want to focus on the 3rd  
grade curriclum on tuesday.

2 nd grade theme is community and math they study clocks so we will  
make a clock in turtle art

Sent from my iPhone
Caroline Meeks

On Jul 10, 2009, at 10:57 AM, Greg Smith <gregsmithpm at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Caroline,
> Can you send over any details you have on the curriculum at GPA?
> Anything covering what the teachers are trying to teach and what they
> are doing outside the computer lab will be very helpful.
> I want to try and tie the learning goals of the teachers back to the
> SW as concretely as possible.
> I'm hesitant to add work to your pile so let me know if there's any
> way I can help gather, record or disseminate that information.
> Thanks,
> Greg S

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